
September 2023

Caroline Buckland Updated by Caroline Buckland

Customer Approval (MBCA)

There are new approval controls now available for the creation and amendments of the customer file.

Firstly, there is a new setting to prevent self-approval of a new customer.  Any user that creates or amends a customer account will be prevented from approving those changes.

In addition, a customer approval role can now be entered if multiple users require a BEM message regarding the approval of a new or amended customer.

For amendments, each field that requires approval on amendment can be flagged.

To implement this new feature, raise a support case with Advanced.

Manual Payment - Element field now included in the list screen (MGGM)

This new feature only applies to customers who are setup with ICA (Multi Company Accounting within one company code)

The manual payment screen will now display the Element against the transactions.  This allows for easier allocation of payments.

Access the following menus:

Accounts Payable>AP Processes>Payment Processing>Manual Payments

Depending on if you are entering a new payment or amending and existing payment the following screen is displayed from the Insert to Amend action.

Leaving the Element field blank, and then clicking on the Allocation button followed by retrieve will list all transactions. (See second screen shot)

You can use the column sort action if required – Right click the column heading and select Sort Ascending.

If a nominated Element is entered on the Header.

Clicking on the Allocation button followed by Retrieve will only show transactions for the nominated Element on the header.

Accounts Payable Suggested Payments Report

The report has been modified to allow the breakdown of cheque and BACS payments. 

Transactions with a status Held and Unauthorised have been removed from this report.

Menu access:

Accounts Payable>AP Reports>Suggested Payments Report

Enter your required parameters and then click on the SUBMIT button.

The report will be in Files Management area.

Example report.

Accounts Receivable Direct Debit File Names

Regardless of which format of AR direct debit file you are using the file names have all been amended to where cc is the company, yyyy the year, mm the month, dd the day, hh the hour, mm the minutes and ss the seconds that the file was produced.

Note: This is a collection file.



Data Upload changes

Below is the link for the latest csv data upload files.

Click the link below to download the new csv file formats. If you have any issues with the download, raise a case with Advanced Support to request the new formats.

Advanced Financials Data Loads BP v5.9.7.xlsm

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October 2023

August 2023
