
November 2023

Caroline Buckland Updated by Caroline Buckland

New Features

General Ledger Balances Report

A new report is available that will create a CSV file for the account balances for (nominal and management code combinations) that can be emailed or sent to File Management area of MyWorkplace.

The report will display Balance Sheet/Profit and Loss Groups and Categories, Structure Elements, Nominal and Management codes.

Access the following menus: General Ledger>GL Enquiries>GL Account Balance CSV Extract.

Distribution - Select the output to be Email or File Management. If email is selected your default email address held against your user will used.

Layout – This will default your current company and the layout code that is specified at General Ledger Company Controls or if not listed the first one alphabetically.  They can be changed if appropriate.

Structure Version – The structure code will also default from General Ledger Company Controls; this will either be the ICA Structure or the nominated default structure if present. The Path must be between Zero and 6 as only the Nominal and 5 Management Codes values can be extracted. 

It will default to the normal/mandatory balance sheet version.

Calendar – defaults to current year and period, this can also be changed to select future or historic data.

Hierarchy - click the hierarchy button to view GL structure this will display all elements and path keys

Once complete click on SUBMIT.

The file will be emailed or access File Management to retrieve.

The file name both attached to the email and placed into the File Management area is in the format;

<Company_Code>.<User ID>.<Unique Number>.GL.csv

Example file.

File Management

System Properties Menu

The system properties menu allows you to amend some of the Advanced Financials properties directly in AF without the need to log a support case with Advanced.

The following options have been made available.

·       Bank Validation

·       Download Options

·       Google File

·       One Drive

·       Core UI Timeout

·       Unified Address Validation

There is security on each of the options, so you can define against a security group using facility denials what access a user has.

To access the screen, select the following menu:

Systems Admin>System Wide Controls>System Properties

Deny access to menu options.

To deny security access the following options access the following menus.

Systems Admin>System Wide Controls>Users & Roles>Security>Security Groups

Enter the required security group in the selection window and click on OK.

Click on the Denials button.

Open the selection window and enter ATT in the Program field (this will refine the list to the one program) and click on OK.

Use the Amend action against the program.

Enter a Y against each option or to deny access to all options, flag the Deny All box.

Bank Validation option.

This option allows you use the Bank Validation button available from Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable screens. Once the button is selected it will validate the account number and sort code you have entered.

You will require your own licence from Unified to activate this option.

Download option

The default setting will be true, this allows the download action to excel and word to be used from list screens.

Google File option

This option allows you to download to google sheets rather than excel from the list screens.

Enter your google account credentials to allow downloads to the google drive.

1.     Set Google File Enabled as true 

2.     Add Client Id to Google File Client Id property 

3.     Add Client Secret to Google File Secret property 

4.     Add Application Name to Google File App Name property (this will be your google project name) 

One Drive option

This option allows you to download to google sheets rather than excel from the list screens.

Enter your google account credentials to allow downloads to the google drive.

1.     Set Google File Enabled as true 

2.     Add Client Id to Google File Client Id property 

3.     Add Client Secret to Google File Secret property 

4.     Add Application Name to Google File App Name property (this will be your google project name) 

One Drive option

This option allows you to download to Microsoft one drive rather than excel from the list screens.

Enter your one account credentials to allow downloads to the google drive.

1.     Set OneDrive Enabled as true 

2.     Add Client Id OneDrive App ID property 

3.     Add Client Secret to OneDrive Client Secret property 

Core UI Timeout 

You can now amend the Advanced Financials timeout session; this will display the number of mins before Advanced Financials gives you that session inactive message.  This is a global setting for all users.

The value represents minutes.  The maximum that can be applied is 8 hours (480 minutes)

we would recommend a timeout of 30 minutes, this may be put to a higher time period if required, but you must be aware that higher timeout periods may have security implications
Unified Address Validation

This option allows you use the Address validation button on the customer and supplier file. You will require your own licence from Unified to activate this option.

The software will validate the address and postcode.

Screen Changes

Accounts Payable - Transactions by Supplier (MGEH) Transaction Diary button added

The Tran Diary button has been added for quick access to the Transaction diary edit screen if not transaction dairy messages exist, or the list screen if a diary events already exist.

This action was currently only available from the right click action.

Accounts Payable - Authorisation screen (MGO3) Enquiries button added

This button will take you to the Transactions by Supplier screen to view the invoice image.  This option was originally only available from the right click action.

Accounts Payable - Transaction Details (MGEF) Prepayment Occurrences field added

The number prepayment occurrences field has now been added to display along the period and year.

Accounts Payable - Data Entry MGBC) GO GRN's right click action has been added to the combined header/lines screen

A new action has been added into the data entry screen for order related invoices that allows a link to the Transactions Goods Received notes.  Currently this action was only available from LINES button screen.

Please note you need to access the LINES button first to build up the line detail.  Clicking back on the header button will then display the lines where the new action will be available.

Report Improvements

Trial Balance

This report has been improved to now display each individual period movement, opening and closing balances.

Menu access: General Ledger>GL Enquiries>Trial Balance Report

Extra parameters are added to allow you to enter Period and From and To values.

Example report.

Document Output and Data Load changes

Sales Invoice Document Output PDF

The Sales Invoice pdf output has been amended to either show the VAT code or the VAT.

Examples are shown below.  The current default is to display the Amount.  If you require this to be changed to show the Code please raise a support case with Advanced.

Previous version

New version

API clients for Financials

Create API clients to integrate Advanced Financials with your other applications.

Access the link below to view more details.

API clients for Financials - Help | MyWorkplace (

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December 2023

October 2023
