
GL Enquiries - Account Details

Caroline Buckland Updated by Caroline Buckland

The process.

Account Balance Enquiries allow to view values on a Monthly or Yearly basis either a full or partial account code or indeed for a range of full or partial account codes. You can view budget's, actuals, commitments, forecasts and more.

1. Account Balance Enquiries

The steps below describe the relevant steps required to access balance enquiries. To access the transaction enquiry screens: General Ledger- GL Enquiries-Account Details

If you hover over a field and see that your cursor has changed to a question mark, it means that this field is promptable, and you can use Prompt to help find the code.

1. Double click in the field.
2. You can enter a code or description to limit your search.
3. Double click on the code you wish to return. This will return you to the screen you came from, with your chosen code in the field.

2. Selection Windows – Account Balances

Above you can enter any or all of the GL account i.e Cost Centre, nominal. Wildcards % can also be used.

Once the selection has been made you click on OK.

In this example we entered a wildcard in the Cost Centre field to view all cost centres

The system will default to the current period and year, unless otherwise specified.

3. Drill Down on the Balance

You can drill down on a balance to view the balance by nominal code. Double click the value you wish to break down.

This now displays all cost centre and nominal combinations, including the two other management codes.

If you use the drill down action again this will show you all of the transactions that make up that balance, this is the transactions by account code screen. You an link to the source data from the screen.

Use the Exit icon to return back to the previous level(s).

4. Changing the Period

The period is displayed in the top right hand corner, to move to the next period click on the Next button, Previous will take you back.

There are always 3 parts of information to view in Account Balances – the General Ledger account, period or balance (layout code). As you just have rows and columns the third part is always displayed in the top right hand corner of the screen. Depending on your enquiry it could be the period, part of the GL account or the balance values.

The system will also do best fit to what you have entered in the selection window but you can change the row and columns if required.

To change the Layout code, click on ‘Layout’ field remember you can prompt in this field to search for codes. Layout codes can show you different balance information. You example there is a specific layout code that will be display Opening and Closing balances. A default layout is used but understanding more are available is essential.

5. Full Account Drill Down

If you enter % in the Cost Centre and Nominal fields then click on the Full Acct Drill Down button on the selection window, this will display each balance information for each account combination.

When you drill down from this enquiry it will take you straight to the transaction level enquiry screen.

Remember you can save enquiries as favourites by selecting the Favourite Enquiry icon. You can download to excel by clicking on the Arrow icon in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

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