
Procurement Portal new User Interface

Caroline Buckland Updated by Caroline Buckland

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Financials - Procurement Portal

We’re excited to roll out a new look! Our updated interface is here to make your procurement portals journey smoother and more visually appealing. This also aligns with the changes we have made to Financials.

A new Dark and Light mode is available for each user, accessed from My Account then select the Application Settings.

There is a more responsive display by allowing the user to hide and expand the menu by selecting an icon.

Document Creation Enhancements

If a user selects the New Requisition or New Order button a new Select button is displayed to select you document type.

Currently you would just select a link.

When creating a requisition or order, the Lines are now are on a different format this will allow a user to view more lines before having to use the scroll bar.

Current version shows the header and lines as a combined screen.

When accessing the workbenches and then selecting a tile a new breadcrumb trail is show that allows a user to select each document status with ease, this saves the user going back to the workbench to select another document status tile.

Current version you need to access the Go Back button.

Action buttons are available from any list or enquiry screen, they have been changed from a drop-down menu are now all options are accessed from the icon, this allows for more columns to be viewed on the screen.

Current version.

When accessing a list screen from a tile on the workbench, the Paperclip attachments and Document images are now show as a named linked.

Current version shows as an icon.

There are new collapsible panels in the search forms, when accessing the enquiries menu the form can be opened and closed by selecting the down arrow icon.

This is ease of use to navigate from the search form to the results page.

Currently they are on separate panels.

Then once the results are displayed the Show Search Form link is used to access the search selection.

When using the catalogue search the classification hierarchy can be closed to allow full screen access on the search form.

Note: this will be hidden if the no default classification hierarchy is set.


Current version shows both panels always displayed with no option to close the classification hierarchy.

The list screens have improved Search options, the search field will filter all columns with an option to also filter on the dates field.Β 

Current version each column has a search field.

When enquiring against documents the Actions button has now moved to top of the screen for ease of use.

Current version the action button is placed in the middle of the screen.

A new breadcrumb trail when using the Enquiries, this allows a user to go back to the search fields or the initial tile selection.

Current version the Go Back was used for this.

If a document has an attachment new download buttons are available, the on-screen view of these documents are available as buttons at the top right of the screen.

Download on the current version was only available after opening the attachment.

Authorisation Enhancements

When using the Proxy Structure Authorisation more of the screen is now available when searching for a user, the panel then can be collapsed to gain full view of the authorisation workbench

Current workbench the documents awaiting authorisation are displayed below the Proxy Structure.

Current view they the documents were listed underneath.

Receipting Enhancements

When accessing the Receipts screen a new breadcrumb trail is available for easier access to the other tiles.

Current version the user would need to access the Go Back button.

Administrator Enhancements

The Administration options are now displayed as a panel to the left-hand side of the screen, this allows easier access to other options.

Current version the user would have to use the Go Back action to select a new tile.

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