
October 2023

Caroline Buckland Updated by Caroline Buckland

Accounts Payable - Supplier Diary (MPEA)

The Owner field has now been added to the diary list screen.

To create a supplier diary message, access the following screens.

Accounts Payable>AP Enquiries>Transactions by Supplier enter the supplier code and click on OK.

Access the Supplier pull down menu and select Diary.

If a diary message already exists they will be listed below, if not the Insert action can be used.

Accounts Receivable - List Invoices/Credit Notes (MODA)

When a Sales invoice or credit note is created the system will automatically post the transaction to the Accounts Receivable module, the new field will display the status of the transaction. 

Access the following menus.

Accounts Receivable>AR Processes>AR Data Entry>List Invoices/Credit Note

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November 2023

September 2023
