AP Enquiries
Updated by Caroline Buckland
The process
The Transactions by Supplier enquiry will allow you to view all transactions on a supplier account. You can add diary messages and link to the Supplier file to view more information on the Supplier.
1. Transactions by Supplier
The steps below describe the relevant steps required to access transactions by supplier enquiries.
To access the transaction enquiry screens: Accounts Payable-AP Enquiries-Transactions by Supplier.
The prompt action (double click) can be used to search for the code.
In the Selection window enter a supplier code and click on the OK button. You do have secondary selection available to break down the search criteria further.
You make as many entries in the secondary selection as you wish.
The enquiry will show all transactions, below are the common statuses:
Accpt: transaction ready for payment but not due
Due: transaction due for payment for today
O/Due: Invoice overdue for payment
Canc: transaction cancelled
Suspend: transaction suspend from payment
F/Paid: transaction paid
F/Alloc: payment allocated to transactions
Located at the bottom of the screen are action buttons to view more details.
Details – displays the summary information of the document
Lines – displays the lines details for the transaction
Payments - selecting the invoice will show the payment details, selecting the payment will show the transactions paid
Authorise – shows you who authorised the document or who is the valid authoriser, you can also authorise the document from this screen
Order – if order related will link you to the order
GRN - if order related will link you to the GRN’s
Right click the transaction and select the Transaction option, this will display the maintenance options.
CRN Match – matches Credit notes to Debit notes
Clearance – option to be used when a invoice/order/grn mismatch has occurred
Cancel – cancels the transaction (depending on the status)
Amend – takes you to the amendment screen to amend certain fields
Suspend/Release – allows you to suspend the transaction from payment or release a transaction to be paid
Transfer – allows you to transfer the transaction from one supplier account to another
Diary – Allows you to enter a diary event against the transaction
Recurring Payment – enter/amend or cancel recurring payments
Allocate – allows you allocate unallocated cash
Copy - copy the invoice to create a new transaction
Unlock – this is an admin action only
Accessing the Supplier drop down menu will allow you access the following areas;
Maintenance – links you to the supplier file
Diary – links to the supplier diary to create or view events.
Turnover – will display the turnover by year and period.
Association – if supplier associations are setup selecting this option will take you to the next supplier.
Customer – if there is an association created for a customer account then selecting this link will display the customer.
GRN List – will display all the goods received notes that are linked to transactions for that supplier.